I was born in a working class community in a Northern mill town in Lancashire, which would nowadays be described as part of the "red wall" - and yet the very thought of voting Labour in my teenage years was alien to me.
I wanted to make a good life for myself, and in those days Labour just seemed to stand for the opposite of aspiration.
After leaving my Comprehensive school with a surprisingly good bunch of 'O' and 'A' levels, I was the first member of my family to go to University, and studied for an Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree - paid for by the state. I was lucky to get a great job in the private sector, and went on to work for several world leading technology companies, building a successful career in engineering management.
As a result I proudly and willingly paid high rate tax for decades.
I didn't need to, or want to, join a trade union - but I respected those who did.
The older I got the more I learned about the unfairness "baked in" to our society. Discrimination was endemic. Not everyone had the opportunities I'd had; not everyone felt secure in their work or safe in their home. I've always believed in having excellent public services and welfare state; when I learned about social justice I realised that a fair society free of discrimination was exactly what I believed in.
So I firmly believe that the Labour Party is not "just" about the working class - it's about delivering its core goal of a fair society - it's about the values, ideals and vision described in why Labour and Labour vision.
It's not "only" for the votes of the least well off in society, even if they undoubtedly have the most to benefit - you'd be surprised how many people are actually happy and proud to contribute.
If anyone feels that I don't belong then I'd like to politely but firmly explain to them that they are wrong.